224 Main Street                                                                June 12, 2011

Penn Yan, New York                                                               10:00 AM


We, as God's people, will use our gifts and talents to seek out and bring people to Christ

by maturing in our faith, by deepening our fellowship,

and by caring for people for the honor and glory of God.


“Blessings in our Church”

Pentecost Sunday


Prelude                       “A Medley of Spirituals”                                                                                 




Welcome & Announcements


 *Hymn                       “Jesus Loves Me!”                              No. 304


*Invocation (unison)

Another year has passed in our service to you, O God. We have taught Your children and ministered to Your flock. You have blessed those efforts that we have put forth in Your name. Guide us during this summer as we prepare for a new year of exciting service to you. In Jesus Name, who taught us to pray...


*The Lord's Prayer (debts)


Scripture Reading                  Isaiah 30:20-21          NKJV pg. 691 OT


Children's Anthem               “He's Got the Whole World in His Hands”


Children's Time                                                            Eileen Modaffari

                                             Chairperson, Board of Christian Education


Prayer of the Congregation

Father, You present many challenges to us as we travel through our lives in Your service. Wars still rage overseas. Calamities abroad and even here in our beloved land stun us in their magnitude. Friends fall ill and are taken from us. And yet we know you are with us in this, the “spring time” of this congregation. New friends are among us. Believers continue to be baptized in Your Name. Youngsters continue to be guided toward a knowledge of Your Truth and new members are added to Your Church. In a short while we will select a new pastor who will guide us in Your Spirit. 2000 years ago the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of tongues of flame over the heads of the disciples of Jesus and 3000 people were converted on that same day. We pray that you bring those tongues of fire over us. Come, Holy Spirit, that we may see Your Kingdom grow here and throughout the world. Amen.


Scripture                     Acts 2:1-21                                        Pg. 159 NT                       


Sermon                       “All Together”                   Rev. Richard Burke


Offertory                    “Spirit Song”                             arr. John Carter


*Doxology                  Praise God from whom all blessings flow

                                    Praise Him all creatures here below

                                    Praise Him above ye heavenly host

                                    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen


*Prayer of Dedication

Father of us all and Leader of this, Your Church, we ask that the Treasures collected here be used for the betterment of all and especially for the improvement of the lives of children throughout the world. Amen.


*Hymn                        “Fairest Lord Jesus”                                No. 306




*Postlude                      “With Timbrel and Dance”              Dale Wood 


*If you wish to and are able, you are invited to stand


Today's bulletin is in Honor of the Children of our church.


Lay Reader:                Erik Miller             

Ushers:                       Keith and Gary Fuller

Candle Lighter:          Kyle Miller

Greeters:                    Elizabeth Hoose and Jayda Ames              

Organist:                    Connie Gibson

Church Phone:            315-536-9821

Church E-mail: 

Church Website:

Interim Pastor:           Rev. Richard D. Burke

                                    2215 Clark Road, Penn Yan

                                    RICBUR555@ or 315-536-0021


Please  be  in  Prayer  for:


Eva Jean Best                   Michael Mashewski            Keith Pierce                                               

Meg Chaapel                     Michael McBride                George Slocum

Mary Beth Greene            Mary Murphy                      Katherine Warren

Greg Marion                      Cindy Ovens                         Rene Willoughby                                                                                                      


Our Special Missionaries:

Kristy Engel               Dominican Republic

Cynthia Harper          Cameron Community Ministries, Rochester, NY


Clark Meadows:         Ralph Wilkes      

Quail Summit:             Alice Wise


Clinton Crest:             Burton Barcliff            Kathryn Clayson      

                                    Gerry Lane                  Margaret Drakely

The Homestead:        Helen Ansley              Virginia DeLooza

                                    Dick Sharman            Willie Nelson

                                    Irene Wachala

Huntington:                Alice Fairbrother                                                                   

The Manor:                Helena Cranmer        Bill Gillette

                                    Margaret Hartwell        Georgia Ovens


Ed & Rita Castillo and their work at Greenlake

Our Service Men and Women and their families                            

Our Country and it's Leaders

Our Pastoral Search Committee

Please keep the church office updated on your loved one.


This  Week’s  Schedule  & Announcements



9 am Choir Practice

We will receive the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering today.

11 am Adult Sunday School

11:30 am Trustees Meeting


Tuesday, June 14

1 pm Baptist Heritage Lay Study

7 pm Search Committee

7:30 pm Friendship Square Dancing


Wednesday, June 15

7 pm Trustees/Safety Committee Meeting


Thursday, June 16

Happy Birthday to Tom Tharp!


Saturday, June 18

10 am Lay Studies Class – Ministry to Individuals


Sunday, June 19 – Worship service and picnic at the Fireman's Field:

Next Week's Message  and Scripture:

“Disciple's Mission” - Matthew 10:24-39

Theme: What Jesus Depends on Us To Do


Church  News


Church Picnic - Sunday, June 19

This year the picnic will be held at the Fireman's Field. The worship service will begin at 10:30 am and the picnic will be held soon after. Bring a dish to pass and your own meat for the grill. Drinks will be provided by the Deacons.

Can't wait to see you there!!!


Vacation Bible School: The Big Apple Adventure!!!

June 27 – July 1 from 8:30 am (breakfast) to 12:00 noon.

Children age 4 thru 5th grade are invited.

Volunteers are needed in any area that you love to work with children. Call Sue Willson at 585-526-1004


Search Committee

There will be a meeting of the Search Committee Tuesday, June 14, at 7:00 pm in the church library.


Trustees and Safety Committee

There will be a meeting of the Trustees and Safety Committee on Wednesday, June 15,  at 7 pm for the purpose of setting the safety policies.


Advisory Council

There will be a brief meeting of the Advisory Council on June 26, immediately following worship service. The purpose of this meeting will be to approve the church's Child Safety Policy.


Can You Help?

Cristine Conklin needs a ride to a June 16, doctor's appointment in Geneva at 10:45 am. If you can help her out please give her a call at 536-0415.


Board of Missions Update

To meet our June budget needs, we need to receive an average of $400 per week. On June 5th, we received $470.35. Thank you for your support. We received $308 for One Great Hour of Sharing – almost 1/3 of our goal of $950. (one half for Japan, ½  for future needs) Thank you.


From the Church Office
Just a reminder that we will be combining the July & August newsletter. Please have any articles submitted by June 20.


Attendance and Financial Report

Were you here?                     5/22                  5/29                  6/5 

                                                  53                     50                    64

 Current Expenses                $348              $1,245             $2,482

BT&T                                        50                     70                  514

Total                                      $398              $1,315             $2,996


Community  News


Comfort on the Journey

A confidential mutual support group at Keuka Comfort Care Home for those whose lives have been impacted by the loss of a loved one.

Beginning June 14, and continuing the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7-8 pm. 35 Route 54, East Lake Road, Penn Yan. 536-1690.


Red Cross Needs & Things 

There is a  need for: diapers; size 3,4,5,6, paper towels, laundry soap and dish soap. Leave your donations in the office.


Food for the Needy

Reminder that the children soon will be out of school and the need for cereal and items to keep them fed at home will be a factor. You may bring in your donations any time.


Welcome to First Baptist Church of Penn Yan. We are glad you joined us and hope you’ll feel at home, as we celebrate our faith and praise God together. In the pew in front of you, you will find a “get-to-know-you” card. Please take a moment to fill it out and place it in the offering plate.


We invite you to bring your children to the nursery during the service for a safe and Christian environment so that you may more fully experience Worship. Following today’s service please come to enjoy coffee, refreshments and fellowship in the Great Room.


For your convenience hearing devices are available. Please see an usher for assistance.


~ A  candle  loses  nothing by  lighting  another  candle ~