~ ~ NOVEMBER 23, 2008 ~ ~


                                FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PENN YAN

224 Main Street                                                        November 23, 2008

Penn Yan, New York                                                             10:00 A.M.


We, as God’s people, will use our gifts and talents

to seek out and bring people to Christ,

by maturing in our faith,

by deepening our fellowship,

and by caring for people

for the honor and glory of God.




Song of Praise, Worship and Thanks


Welcome and Announcements


Scripture Reading                  Romans 12:1-2                      Pg. 215 NT


*Hymn                        “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”      No. 551

                                    Early birthday choice for Marge Moulton


*Silent Prayer & Invocation            

            Thank you, Lord, for the words of Jesus, “You will worship the Lord in spirit and truth.” Let us give our lives as an offering to you. As we feel your forgiveness at work in us, let us offer our thanks and praise in an attitude of worship. Transform our minds and hearts until we become like Jesus. We ask your blessing upon these days and upon our worship even as we pray the prayer that Jesus taught us…


*The Lord’s Prayer


Anthem                       “We Thank You, Lord”                 Price & Besig


Children’s Time           



*Hymn                        “In the Garden”                                           Insert

                                    Birthday choice of Margaret Drakely


Prayers of the People                                                   


Scripture                     Malachi 3:6-12                                Pg. 1040 OT


Message                       Bring in the Full Tithe”          Rev. John Tharp




*Doxology                  Praise God from whom all blessings flow

                                    Praise Him all creatures here below

                                    Praise Him above ye heavenly host

                                    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen


*Prayer of Dedication      


*Hymn                        “Let All Things Now Living”                No. 554





*If you wish to and are able, you are invited to stand.


The flowers on the altar are placed in loving memory of Elsie “Peg” Pond from her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Lay Reader: Greg Miller

Greeters: Lyle Conrad & Sean Ahearn

Ushers: Ed & Rita Castillo, Sheryl Robbins, Matt Scutt,

George Slocum, John FM Tharp

Organist: Carrie Ahearn                        

Choir Director: Nancy Tharp

Church Phone: 315-536-9821            


Church Website:



Our Prayer Concerns…


At the Homestead:     Luella Passage           Alberta Gottshall

                                    Virginia DeLooza       Willie Nelson

                                    Helen Ansley              Alice Wise


Loved ones serving in the Armed Forces:    Jennifer Willson


Our Special Interest Missionaries:

Mrs. Susan Harding                         Dr. James & Rev. Debra Kelsey                  


Prayers for:                                                  

Mary Armstrong        Kim Strong Imisides              Barbara Stewart

Eva Jean Best            Don Johnson                          Brad Stewart

*Bessie Bliss              Lori Lawrence                                    Charlie Taylor

Pat Carroll                  Mary Ellen Mattison             Phil Trautman

Judi Gibbs                  Doug Mattison                       Jean Wager

Bill Gillette                 Barbara Mortensen               Ralph Wilkes

*Marlene Guild          *Emily Seager                                    Jean Whitaker

Alicia Hurlburt           *Doug Seager                    Phyllis & Elwood Whitbeck

* Family of JoAnn Hartwig, (sister of Milly Bloomquist) who passed

away last week.                     


*Indicates that special prayers are needed.

Please keep the church office updated on your loved ones



Community Service of Thanksgiving

Tonight at 7:00  p.m.

at the Penn Yan United Methodist Church


An ecumenical choir will be bringing special music and the

Rev. David Smith, pastor of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

will bring the Thanksgiving message

A special offering will be received for Food for the Needy.


Please join with others from our faith community,

as we give thanks for all of God’s blessings in our lives.



This Week’s Schedule & Announcements

Today, November 23

¨      11 a.m.      Parenting Class

¨      7 p.m.        Community Thanksgiving Service (see above)

Wednesday, November 26

¨      7 p.m.        Youth group

Thursday, November 27

¨      Happy Thanksgiving !

¨      Happy Birthday to Margaret Drakely !


Next Week’s Theme & Scripture is…

“The Giving of Good Gifts”    James 3:13-18


Church News


2009 Calendars

To raise money for the Carol Willson Vacation Bible School Fund, calendars with breathtaking landscapes and thought provoking Bible verses will be for sale. Calendars are $12 each and will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. Starting November 30, view and purchase the calendars in the hall just outside of the office after the service.

If you have questions feel free to contact Beth DeLooza.






On Sunday, December 14, our congregation will receive the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering.


The RMMO is an annual ABCUSA offering that provides

(1) Thank You checks to over 3,000 retired American Baptist ministers and missionaries or their widowed spouses, based on 15 or more years of ABC service, and (2) emergency and other financial assistance based on need.


Our 2008 goal is $800.00. Please help us

Remember Them with Love and Give with Gratitude.



Administered by the Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board





Community News


Council of Churches Meeting

Monday, Nov. 24 @ 7:30 p.m.

St. Michael’s Church


At Starshine - December 5th  :


Yates County Habitat for Humanity’s Pancake Day

Friday, December 5

Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Juice, Coffee, Tea or Milk

Serving: 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.

$18 ~ family                $6 ~ adult                    $4 ~ 5-12 yrs

St. Michael’s Church Dining Hall


KCCH Gingerbread Raffle

Friday, December 5

The Keuka Comfort Care Home will be raffling a handmade Gingerbread House in front of J. Carey & Co. on Main St. during Starshine. Tickets are $1 a piece and you’ll receive a cookie sample as a reminder of the Holiday Cookie Walk fundraiser, which takes place on Saturday, Dec. 20, at the Presbyterian Church. Don’t miss this opportunity to support our community’s Comfort Care Home and a chance to win a Gingerbread House !




Attendance and Financial Report

            Were you here?                       11/2           11/9           11/16

                                                                 70             73                 73


Current Expenses                            $3,600       $2,047         $2,817

Missions                                 1,446         1,123                82

BT&T                                        454            250              261

Total                                     $5,500       $3,420         $3,160



Thought: Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.

                                                           ~ Henry Ward Beecher



It takes 20 years to build

a reputation and five

minutes to ruin it.

If you think about that,

you’ll do things differently.

~ Warren Buffet