~ ~ JULY 5, 2009 ~ ~


                         FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PENN YAN

224 Main Street                                                                 July 5, 2009

Penn Yan, New York                                                             10:00 A.M.


We, as God’s people, will use our gifts and talents

to seek out and bring people to Christ,

by maturing in our faith,

by deepening our fellowship,

and by caring for people

for the honor and glory of God.




Song of Praise                       


Welcome and Announcements


Scripture Reading                  II Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10            Pg. 338 OT


*Hymn                                    “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”        No. 561


 *Unison Invocation

            Dear Lord, Over and over you have shown us that our peace is tied to our faithfulness. When we truly give ourselves, when we really listen to your word and act upon it, when our lives are alive with the power of your Holy Spirit then we find that we are at peace. We seek these blessings in the name of Jesus.


Special Music             “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies”

                                                                                       Shelley Bicksler

Children’s Time        


*Hymn                        “How Firm a Foundation”                      No. 361


Scripture                     II Corinthians 12:2-10                       Pg. 248 NT


Message                     “Strengths and Weaknesses”    Rev. Paul Malles




*Doxology                  Praise God from whom all blessings flow

                                    Praise Him all creatures here below

                                    Praise Him above ye heavenly host

                                    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen


*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn                        “Take My Life”                                       No. 391

                                                                                                        vs 1,2

Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper

                                    Welcome to the Lord’s Table

                                    Church Covenant

                                    Community of Prayer

                                    Sharing the Bread

                                    Sharing the Cup

                                    Prayer of Thanks and the Lord’s Prayer


*Hymn                        “Take My Life”                                       No. 391

                                                                                                        vs 3,4




*If you wish to and are able, you are invited to stand.


Lay Reader:               Erma Mullins

Greeters:                    Cristine Conklin & Barbara Stewart

Ushers:                       Pat Ames, Shelley Bicksler, Jack Clancy,    

                                         Erma Mullins and Cheryl Stewart

Choir Director:           Nancy Tharp

Pastor:                        Rev. Dr. John R. Tharp

Church Phone:            315-536-9821 

Church E-mail: 

Church Website:


Today’s Sunday Memorial Bulletin is in memory of 

John Mills.                                              ~ Margaret Mills


Our Prayer Concerns


At Clinton Crest:        Burton Barcliff           Kathleen Clayson

                                    Gerry Lane                 Margaret Hartwell


At the Homestead:     Helen Ansley              Virginia DeLooza

Alberta Gottshall       Viola Gray                  Willie Nelson

Luella Passage           Dick Sharman            Irene Wachala


At the Manor:            Helena Cranmer


Our Special Missionaries:

Ms. Kristy Engel ~ Dominican Republic

Ms. Cynthia Harper ~ Cameron Community Ministries, Rochester


Prayers for:

Mary Armstrong        Marlene Guild                        Keith Pierce

Debbie Appleton        John Paul Hunt                       Frieda Slocum

Eva Jean Best            Kim Strong Imisides              Barbara Stewart

Kathleen Beyea         Don Johnson                          Brad Stewart

Bessie Bliss                Joyce Kennerson                   Charlie Taylor

Milly Bloomquist       Lori Lawrence                        Tomion Family

Pat Carroll                  McBryan Family                    Rick Weir

Judi Gibbs                  Barbara Mortensen               Emma Wheeler

Bill Gillette                 Dorothy Mott                         Ralph Wilkes

Mary Gillette             Lorraine Phillips           Phyllis & Elwood Whitbeck

Eva Dillon’s daughter in Virginia


Please keep the church office updated on your loved one.


This Week’s Schedule & Announcements


Tuesday, July 7

¨      7 pm          Friendship Square Dancing


Wednesday, July 8

¨      6 pm          Evening Food for the Needy

¨      6:30 pm     Concert in the Park


Thursday, July 9

¨      PYA Music lessons


Next Week’s Theme & Scripture”

“God’s Purposes” - Rev. Paul Malles

II Samuel 6:1-5, 12b- 19 ~ Ephesians 1:3-14


Month of July – Services held at First Baptist Church at 10 am

The congregation of the Presbyterian Church will be our guests for worship services in July.

12 ~ Rev. Paul Malles, preaching on “God’s Purposes”

19 ~ Rev. John Tharp, preaching on “What Is the Difference?”

26 ~ Rev. John Tharp, preaching on “The People Whisperer”



Thank you


A special Thank You goes out from all the VBS staff and supporters to Suzie Willson. Suzie has led the VBS program for the last five years. Coordinating staff, donations, helpers and using her vacation time so that the program continues. Thank You Suzie!


A Vacation Bible School Thank You!

Betsy Perry                            Joan Strong                Pam Scutt      

Tammy Miller                        Greg Marion              Dick Johnson

Betty Johnson                        Lyle Conrad               Ethel Clancy

Mary Fullagar                        Erma Mullins             Diane DeLooza

Erik Miller                             Brittany Griffin          Stephanie Fulkrod

Danielle Fulkrod                   Glenda Majchrak        Lilia Scheel

Leah                                        Amber McMillan       Jessica McMillan

Barbara Burke                       Eileen Modafarri       Cathy MacDougall


We had 37 children participate in VBS Crocodile Dock 2009. Thank you to all who helped with teaching, arts & crafts, snacks, breakfast, transportation, photography, etc. Thank you for your time and talents!

                                                                               ~ Suzie Willson


Church News



We continue to collect new packages of sox, underwear, and tee shirts for the Cameron Community Center. We have filled one box already! Remember you may shop at one of our dollar stores in town.


From the Office

Coverage is needed in the office to cover for vacation. Dates are: Monday, Aug. 3 – Friday, Aug. 7. If you can help out a day or two, please call the office at 536-9821.


Remember the Love Gift Challenge

Love Gift is an American Baptist Women’s funding for the American Baptist Mission. Remember your LOVE GIFT over the summer months. Make your own container and save your coins or look for LOVE GIFT dollars: L or G printed at the beginning of the serial code. We will have a special dedication of these gifts as part of our Women’s Sunday service in September.  


ABW to help ABM ~ All profits go to the Building Fund.

We have been asked to provide sandwiches for the ABMen’s Conference on Friday evening, August 7th. We will meet at church at

1 pm to assemble them. If you are able to help or to donate food, please see or call (536-7674) Kathie Lawrence. Thank You.


Attendance and Financial Report


Were you here?                                     6/14            6/21           6/28

Current Expenses                              $2,240        $2,130          $774

Missions                                                  438             601            160

BT&T                                                   2,240          6,195              77

Total                                                   $3,044       $ 8,926        $1,011



A young Father reached the ultimate the other night

when he overheard himself yelling up the stairs:

“O.K. This is the last time I’m going

to tell you kids for the last time!”