224 Main Street                                                              March 13, 2011

Penn Yan, New York                                                               10:00 AM


We, as God's people, will use our gifts and talents to seek out and bring people to Christ

by maturing in our faith, by deepening our fellowship

and by caring for people for the honor and glory of God.


Dealing With Temptation

First  Sunday of Lent




Song of Praise            “Seek Ye First”                                   No. 71 PB    


Welcome & Announcements


Moment for Mission                                                              Judi Gibbs                   


*Hymn                        “Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed”           No. 78                                                    


*Unison Invocation

Most merciful God, we confess we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your name. Amen.


Scripture Reading      Psalm 121                                           Pg. 682 OT


Anthem                       “Freely, Freely”                               Carol Owens   


Children's Time


Pastoral Prayer & Lord's Prayer                 


*Hymn            “Lord, Who  Throughout These Forty Days”       No. 81 


Scripture                     Matthew 4:1-11                                      Pg. 4 NT


Sermon                       “Free and Faithful”              Rev. Richard Burke




*Doxology                  Praise God from whom all blessings flow

                                    Praise Him all creatures here below

                                    Praise Him above ye heavenly host

                                    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen


*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn                        “Search Me, O God”                           On Insert





*If you wish to and are able, you are invited to stand.


Lay Reader:               Judi Gibbs 

Greeters:                    Polly Logan & Paul & Cathy MacDougall

Ushers:                       Judi Gibbs, George Jensen, Paul Nash,

                                    Charlie Miller, Barbara Stewart                                  

Pianist:                        Sheryl Robbins

Church Phone:            315-536-9821

                                    Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am – noon 

Church E-mail: 

Church Website:

Interim Pastor:           Rev. Richard D. Burke

                                    2215 Clark Road, Penn Yan




Please  be  in  Prayer  for:


Shelley Bicksler                            Greg Marion  

Meg Chaapel                                 Mary Murphy

Shane Furman                               Keith Pierce

Amber Hopkins                            George Slocum


Our Special Missionaries:

Kristy Engel–Dominican Republic

Cynthia Harper–Cameron Community Ministries, Rochester, NY


Clark Meadows:        Ralph Wilkes      

Quail Summit:            Alice Wise

Clinton Crest:             Burton Barcliff            Kathryn Clayson      

                                    Gerry Lane                  Margaret Drakely

The Homestead:        Helen Ansley              Virginia DeLooza

                                    Dick Sharman             Willie Nelson

Huntington:                Alice Fairbrother

The Manor:                Helena Cranmer        Bill Gillette

                                    Margaret Hartwell      Georgia Ovens


Our Service Men and Women and their families

Our Country and it's Leaders

Our Pastoral Search Committee

Please keep the church office updated on your loved one.


This  Week’s  Schedule  & Announcements



9 am Choir Practice

11 am Adult Sunday School: God's Presence Comforts & Assures

11:30 am Board of Trustees meeting

5 pm Wellspring


Tuesday, March 15

1 pm Spiritual Development Course


Wednesday, March 16

4:30 pm Backpack program

7 pm Small Group


Thursday, March 17

Noon Lenten Lunch at PYUMC

7 pm Boy Scouts


Friday, March 18
Happy Birthday to Charlie Miller!


Next Week's Theme & Scripture:

“You Have Been Accepted” - Rev. Don Lawrence

Romans 4:13-25

Next Sunday we will receive the America for Christ Offering.


Church  News


Official Notice

There will be a brief congregational business meeting on Sunday, March 27, immediately following the worship service.


April Newsletter

Please have your articles in to the office by next Monday, March 21.


February Kidz Klub

Friday, February 25 @ 6pm


Finger Lakes  Baptist Association Meeting

Today, Second Milo Baptist at 2:30 pm

An information session on the Missional Church Learning Experience will be held during today's meeting. A MCLE is a cluster of churches in an ABC region that form a Learning Community. How can we best fit in with God's mission in our rapidly changing culture? Each church involved forms a Mission team that receives training in basic missional church principles, and practices those principles by designing and implementing a small community project. Bring a dish to share and your own table service for supper and learn what this new program can mean for our church and community. If you would like to attend see the Castillo's as we may try to take the van.


New Member Classes

Have you ever thought about becoming a member of First Baptist, but just weren't sure what that meant or what it entailed? Come to the brief  informational meeting on Sunday, March 27. We will meet immediately following the congregational business meeting.


Save the Date!

There will be a Church Fellowship Nite on Friday, April 8, at 6 pm. This night will feature a pasta dinner with salad and dessert.

Watch for more information!!!


Prayer Meetings

Rev. Burke will hold prayer meetings on Wednesday nights at 7 pm, beginning March 30. Please join us for a time of prayer.



There is still time to collect items for Utica. The trip has been delayed until possibly the end of March. Watch here for more info.


Rev. Burke will be away

 having cataract surgery and will return on Thursday, March 24. In his absence Rev. Don Lawrence will preach on Sunday, March 20.


Penn Yan Area CROP Walk

There will be a Recruiter meeting on Tuesday, March 15, from 7-9 pm at Bluff Point UMC. Sarah Stackhouse will present information about the CROP Walk and the projects it helps to fund worldwide to fight hunger and poverty and then to hand out materials and resources for the walk recruiters. Last year, despite the bad economy, our community donated the largest amount ever to the CROP Walk, $15,039.75. Twenty-five percent of this amount was returned to our local area to fight hunger here at home in Yates County.

The CROP Walk will be held on Sunday, May 1. If you can be a recruiter for First Baptist contact Sarah Stackhouse at 536-9482.


Whitewater Rafting!

The annual trip down the main gorge of Pine Creek, often referred to as the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, is being planned. We need to know how many people would be interested in going. We are looking at April 2, and would need at least 10 people. Call the office by this  Tuesday.



Lenten  Lunch  Speaker  Series


“Holy Ground”:  Places in the Passion Story

Sponsored by the Penn Yan Area Council of Churches


Thursdays, March 10 – April 14

12 noon – 1 pm              

$6.00 each (payable at the door)

Penn Yan United Methodist Church



Lenten Lunch Topics

Date     Topic                                             Speaker______________

3/17      In The Temple Courtyard    Paul Malles-1st Presbyterian

3/24      In An Upper Room               Michele Fischer-St. Paul's Lutheran

3/31     Garden of Gethsemane         Robert Ring-St. Michael's Cath.

4/7       In A Fortress Courtyard       Rich Norman-Whitestone Chapel

4/14     On A Hill Called Golgotha    Judy White-Bluff Point UMC


Attendance and Financial Report

Were you here?                       2/20               2/27                 3/6

                                                     44                  60                  42

Current Expenses                  $745            $3,342

BT&T                                        181                  95

Total                                        $926           $3,437


Welcome to First Baptist Church of Penn Yan. We are glad you joined us and hope you’ll feel at home, as we celebrate our faith and praise God together. In the pew in front of you, you will find a “get-to-know-you” card. Please take a moment to fill it out and place it in the offering plate.


We invite you to bring your children to the nursery during the service for a safe and Christian environment so that you may more fully experience Worship. Following today’s service please come to enjoy coffee, refreshments and fellowship in the Great Room.


Religion  is  meant  to  be  bread  for daily  use,

not  cake  for  special  occasions.